<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE bulletml SYSTEM "../barrage.dtd">


idea by G-Wange (http://cgp.s5.xrea.com/gw/youko.html)
bml written on 2003/8/15 by Oohara Yuuma (oohara@libra.interq.or.jp)
* center of the world
* B harvest
* dive and pray


  <bulletLanguage name="bulletml"/>

<bulletml type="vertical"

<action label="top">

  <actionRef label="dummy">
    <param>360 * $rand</param>

 <wait>(6 - 4 * $rank) * (49 + 150 * $rank) + 150</wait>


<action label="dummy">

    <direction type="absolute">$1</direction>
  <repeat> <times>7</times> <action>
      <direction type="sequence">360/ 8</direction>
      <speed type="sequence">0.0</speed>
  </action> </repeat>

    <bulletRef label="rotate8way">
    <bulletRef label="rotate8wayhoming">
      <param>$1 + 360 / 16</param>


<bullet label="rotate8way">
<direction type="absolute">0</direction>

    <direction type="absolute">$1</direction>
  <repeat> <times>7</times> <action>
      <direction type="sequence">(360 - 3) / 8</direction>
      <speed type="sequence">0.0</speed>
  </action> </repeat>
  <wait>6 - 4 * $rank</wait>

  <repeat> <times>49 + 150 * $rank</times> <action>
    <repeat> <times>8</times> <action>
        <direction type="sequence">(360 - 3) / 8</direction>
        <speed type="sequence">0.0</speed>
    </action> </repeat>
    <wait>6 - 4 * $rank</wait>
  </action> </repeat>



<bullet label="rotate8wayhoming">
<direction type="absolute">0</direction>

    <direction type="absolute">$1</direction>
    <bulletRef label="homing"/>
  <repeat> <times>7</times> <action>
      <direction type="sequence">(360 - 30) / 8</direction>
      <speed type="sequence">0.0</speed>
      <bulletRef label="homing"/>
  </action> </repeat>
  <wait>60 - 40 * $rank</wait>

  <repeat> <times>4 + 15 * $rank</times> <action>
    <repeat> <times>8</times> <action>
        <direction type="sequence">(360 - 30) / 8</direction>
        <speed type="sequence">0.0</speed>
        <bulletRef label="homing"/>
    </action> </repeat>
    <wait>60 - 40 * $rank</wait>
  </action> </repeat>



<bullet label="homing">



      <direction type="aim">0</direction>


  <repeat><times>1 + 11 * $rank</times><action>
      <direction type="aim">0</direction>


